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From Regulation to Paediatric Care

At Olive Jar we take a lot of pride in finding and developing great people and it’s great to see this consolidated by glowing feedback when a team member rolls off a project and on to another.  


Temi Sokunle, one of our senior business analysts, has just finished a 7-month period working at the Department for Business and Trade (DBT).  As Temi moves over to our NHS work, focused on digitising early warning systems for maternity, neo-natal and paediatric care, we’re reflecting on Temi’s excellent contributions and the value she added to her project team. 

Making sense of regulation 

While at DBT, Temi’s work focused on helping businesses find, understand and comply with regulations.  


Temi mapped hundreds of pieces of regulatory guidance for the construction sector, helping the policy analyst identify and apply appropriate metadata tags and working with the tech team to improve the data collection and validation process. Her process maps helped the team scope features for a minimum viable product and beta backlog. And her detailed and comprehensive user stories are helping the team build a robust service to take into private beta.  

Building great teams 

Building strong teams who add value to a client’s culture and ways of working is a core part of what we do at Olive Jar. And that’s clear from the team’s praise for Temi’s work at DBT: 

  • “Your precise and straight-to-the-point comments show your value as a great business analyst” 

  • “Thanks for all your insightful questions during research sessions – they kept me accountable” 

  • "Thanks for always getting stuck into anything you're asked to do" 

  • "You are a ray of sunshine in meetings and kindness personified" 

  • "A big thank you for all those lovely process maps and your company" 

  • “Thanks for your excellent work and presentation on user stories to the BA community” 


The Olive Jar team echoes this feedback. We’re looking forward to seeing the great things Temi will do on her new project at the NHS. 


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